Essential tools for graphic designers

graphic designer

Antivirus software: Bitfinder is the most trusted and reliable software for years. It maintains its status as top security software on the market. The web filtering and virus detection are exact as ever. The secure browser lets you do online shopping transactions in a safe manner. The latest edition comes with numerous layer ransomware protection. It notices the behavior of various evolving threats and keeps your browsing safe. The Bitfinder Mobile App scans all the devices that are connected to your account.

Productivity software: Google Docs performs more than the online based kind of classic productivity software such as Microsoft Office. It comes along with strides and bounds since it appeared as an open service. Besides, developing your spreadsheets, slides, and documents reachable from other browsers, the online software has an intuitive interface which integrates vast search features of Google when you require them.

There is a wide range of solid templates available to use along with third-party add-ins. It comes with features you normally see in Microsoft Office such as advanced equation editor and mail merge. It is also possible to utilize Google Translate when you wish to convert your documents into an alternative language. If you need more collaboration features, it is best to check Google Docs subscription-based version that is called as G-suite.

Ergonomic Chair: As a designer, you will be spending hours and hours in front of your system. It is necessary to purchase and set up comfortable furniture like chair and table for working peacefully. If the chair is too high or too low, it can cause various health issues. Moreover, it can even affect your productivity. If you do not mind investing in an expensive chair, you need to consider purchasing Aeron Chair. It is a standard chair that guarantees to offer sufficient comfort to the users.

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