How To Install A Data Feed To A WordPress Website Made Simple?

My criteria for a WP datafeed plugin:

1) The price of the data feed had to be reasonable. For me, a reasonable data feed price meant “cheap.” What I was finding where data feeds being offered in the $150 – $200 range. I’ve got money, but I was brought up to be frugal (OK, “cheap,” if you prefer). I wanted something for under $100.

2) The data feed program had to be able to work with any data feed file I wanted. This meant Commission Junction, Linkshare, Shareasale, and any of the other affiliate houses from which I could obtain a data feed file. The data feed programs I was finding were only good for just one affiliate house, or only one file. That is, those data feed programs I was finding would work only with Shareasale, or only with Commission Junction, etc. I wasn’t about to spend $150 on each program to cover all bases.

3) It had to be WordPress compatible. I didn’t want to get into the coding of setting up a data feed. I don’t have time for that and since most of my sites are now WP based, finding a WordPress datafeed plugin was paramount. It also had to be able to display any and all the information that I chose to display from the data feed file. Most wouldn’t allow this. Almost all of them would provide the title, price, and link to the product, but not the all important text – the guts – the content that makes a sale happen. Some weren’t even automatic, requiring me to manually create postings. I wanted an automatic and I wanted to be able to schedule the postings so that they “dripped” into the site over a period of time.

4) Whoever I bought the datafeed plugin from would have to provide support. There is nothing worse than reading a bunch of promises of what a program can do, but when you run into a snag, the support disappears when you ask for assistance. There were a few data feed plugins that appeared at the top of Google SERPs. I looked into those. Most dealt only with Shareasale and all failed to meet everything I wanted with my datafeed plugin. They were also in that $150 – $200 price range. Searching For A WP Datafeed Plugin It literally took me a full day to track down a WordPress datafeed plugin that actually stated it provided everything I wanted. A complete display of all the product information (if I wanted it), automation for a drip cycle of posts, user friendly, support (I still correspond with the developer, who returns my emails), and the best part… PRICE! It cost me only $41.65. Why the odd amount? Because it is sold from the UK and 25 British Pounds has to be converted at the daily exchange rate when purchasing. This WordPress datafeed plugin works and it works flawlessly! Though you will need to understand how to obtain a data feed file from your affiliate house, uploading it to your website and setting up the posts is actually quite simple.

Each section of info on the data feed file (name, price, description,upc code, sale price, etc., etc.) is automatically assigned a corresponding number in the control panel found in the admin section of WordPress. Place those numbers in your title area, text box, tag words, category and you are set to go. Set the parameters for how many posts you want to produce and at what frequency. You then have a website that continuously posts new items for months (longer or shorter, depending on your settings). Proof Now, I don’t write about something unless I really find it worthy. This datafeed plugin is worthy. To prove it, I’m providing a link to my first site using this WordPress datafeed plugin. Remember, this site was my first, so the datafeed plugin was just as new to me as it will be to you. The site can be seen here. Did I mention that more than 1 data feed file can be used on your websites with this data feed plugin? My site actually uses 2 files that drip. One I got from Commission Junction. The other is from Shareasale. In theory, the amount of data feed files you can use on one site is unlimited, but even the developer uses no more than 5. After all, do you really need 100,000 products on one site? Ask Yourself These Questions: Do you want to concentrate on selling rather than coding websites? Do you want to cut the cost of creating your affiliate sites? Do you want to embrace the power of data feeds to sell many products? If you answered yes to any of the above then the WordPress Datafeed Plugin is for you.

What does it do? The WordPress datafeed plugin can convert WordPress from a blog to a CMS platform and allow you to create listings for each product in an affiliate datafeed. Its features include:Import CSV , Pipe Separated or XML filesImport CSV, Pipe Separated or XML from URL FeedsSchedule automatic updates from your feedsUpdate listings already createdCreate new listings for new productsUse many feeds on one site all with their own templateIntegrated Template Designer with Visual and HTML viewsUse any fields and your own text to build the subject and body of your listing meaning that your content will be unique great for SEOUse any fields to create categories and tags for your listings Comparison with other products on the market The other products on the market do not come close the having the flexibility of this product. The ability to dynamically create a template for each data feed and thus creating a site that is not just a dump of the data feed but a structured product listing, with the relevant details you want to display show how you want them shown.

You have the control, you do not need to format the data feed to have a column for subject, body, tags and category, the plugin does this for you giving you the choice where in each post you want to use each column. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) As discussed above the plugin allows you to add custom content, and present the data feed however you want. This means that in terms of SEO the plugin is great. You content will no-longer be seen as duplicate content that appears on hundreds of other sites, but it will be seen as unique content and thus ranked higher. In addition, all the work that has been put into WordPress to make it fully optimized, and indeed the work that continues to be done on it means that you have a huge benefit over those who custom build a site.

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